EnableViewState and ViewStateMode properties

Difference between EnableViewState and ViewStateMode properties

1. Using EnableViewState property we only have 2 options
     We can turn off view state altogether,
     Enable viewstate for the entire page and then turn it off on a control-by-control basis.

2. If you want to turn of ViewState for the entire page and only enable it for specific controls on the page, then we have to use ViewStateMode property in conjunction with EnableViewState.

3. EnableViewState property only accepts true or false values and the default value is true, where as ViewStateMode property can have a value of - Enabled, Disabled and inherit. Inherit is the default value for ViewStateMode property.

4. ViewStateMode property is introduced in ASP.NET 4, where as EnableViewState exists from a long time.

5. If EnableViewState is to True, only then the ViewStateMode settings are applied, where as, if EnableViewState is set to False then the control will not save its view state, regardless of the ViewStateMode setting. In short if EnableViewState is set to False, ViewStateMode setting is not respected.

6. To disable view state for a page and to enable it for a specific control on the page, set the EnableViewState property of the page and the control to true, set the ViewStateMode property of the page to Disabled, and set the ViewStateMode property of the control to Enabled.

ASP.NET Page is very SLOW. What will you do to make it FAST

This is a very common asp.net interview question asked in many interviews. There are several reasons for the page being slow. We need to identify the cause.

1. Find out which is slow, is it the application or the database : If the page is executing SQL queries or stored procedures, run those on the database and check how long do they take to run. If the queries are taking most of the time, then you know you have to tune the queries for better performance. To tune the queries, there are several ways and I have listed some of them below.

   a) Check if there are indexes to help the query
   b) Select only the required columns, avoid Select *.
   c) Check if there is a possiblity to reduce the number of joins
   d) If possible use NO LOCK on your select statements
   e) Check if there are cursors and if you can replace them with joins

2. If the queries are running fast, then we know it is the application code that is causing the slowness. Isolate the page event that is causing the issue by turning tracing on. To turn tracing on, set Trace="true" in the page directive. Once you have tracing turned on you should see trace information at the bottom of the page as shown in the image below. In this case Page Load event is taking the maximum time. So we know, the code in Page_Load event is causing the issue. Once you look at the code, you should be able to nail down the issue.

ASP.NET Page is very SLOW. What will you do to make it FAST

When I create a new ASP.NET 4 web application, the web.config file is almost empty. What happened to all the configuration elements that were there prior to ASP.NET 4?

All the major configuration settings are moved into machine.config file, and all the applications will inherit the setting from this file. If an application needs to override the default settings, we can do so using the application specific configuration (web.config) file. ASP.NET 4 applications have clean web.config files.

If you create a new asp.net 4 empty web application, the only entry that you will find is shown below.

Note: If you create a new ASP.NET Web Application, instead of a new ASP.NET Empty Web Application, you will find a lot more confiuration entries in the web.config file. This is because, the template for ASP.NET web application overrides some of the default settings inherited from machine.config.

What are the different environments in your development process or development life cycle at your company? | ASP.NET

This is a general interview question and not very specific to ASP.NET. Usually, the interviewer asks this question to measure your understanding of the different environments and their role in software development. Some interviewers, may also ask this question, to check if you really have the work experience you are claiming or just faking it.  

1. Development
2. QA
3. Staging
4. UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
5. Production

1. Development Environment - All the developers check in their current work into development environment.

2. QA (Quality Assurance) Environment - This is the environment, where testers (QA) test the application. QA cannot test on development environment, because developers are continuously checking in new code. So, if there is a bug, we don't know, if it's caused by the old or new code. In short,  if development is going on in the same environment it would be difficult to keep up with the current state. There will be lot of confusion, if the developer is trying to fix in the same area as the tester is testing. Without development and QA environment being seperate their is no way to do proper testing.

3. Staging Environment - Many organisations, try to keep their staging environment as identical as possible to the actual production environment. The primary reason for this environment is to identify any deployment related issues. Also, if you are developing a B2B (Business to Business) application, you may be interfacing with other service provider systems. Many organisations, usually setup their staging environment to interface with the service providers as well, for complete end to end testing.

4. Production Environment - The actual live environment, that we use for day to day business.

Note: In general, the code flows from Development => QA => Staging => Production

ASP.NET - TOPIC WISE Interview Questions and Answers

What are the different environments in your development process

When I create a new ASP.NET 4 web application, the web.config file is almost empty. What happened to all the configuration elements that were there prior to ASP.NET 4?

ASP.NET Page is very slow. What will you do to make it fast

What is the difference between EnableViewState and ViewStateMode properties

Explain SQL Injection Attack with an example ?

Explain Dependency Injection with an example ?

Interview Questions related to Dependency Injection ?

What is the process of strong naming an assembly ?

Interview Questions related to strong named assemblies

How is the DLL HELL problem solved in .NET?

What is DLL HELL in .NET?

What is the difference between layers and tiers?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a layered architecture

What is the difference between const and static read-only member?

Linq Interview Questions Part 1

Linq Interview Questions Part 2

Best pactices in developing asp.net web applications - Part 1

Best pactices in developing asp.net web applications - Part 2

Data Access Security

HTTP modules and HTTP Handlers

Themes and Skins



C# Interview Questions - Arrays

XML - Validating XML documents


Caching application data

Fragment caching


Application build

Master Pages

Passport authentication


Forms authentication

Windows authentication

ADO.NET Interview Questions

Basic ADO.NET Interview Questions

ASP.NET controls



Exception Handling

Managed Code and Unmanaged Code

ASP.NET Page navigation techniques

Query Strings

Web application Security

Session State and Application State

Techniques to send data from one web form to another web form



Validation controls


Web Application maintainance

Web farm and Web garden

Web user controls

Custom Controls

Style sheets



As in my case, following technical questions (whatever I recollect) were asked during different interview rounds:

Round 1 (Telephonic):

  • Explanation of the most recent project (Technical aspect)
  • What technically was the best thing you think you contributed in your project
  • Some questions on 3.5 framework (my last project was in 3.5):
  • New language features (Ans: Object initializers, Collection initializers, automatic getters setters, LINQ,
  • Inbuilt delegates: Action, Predicate, Func. (Note: This was asked scenario based. Learn all three types and based on the scenario given by the interviewer, tell which delegate you will use)
  • Question on a LINQ query. Where did you use exactly in your project?

ASP.NET questions:

  1. A gridview question: If you have lakhs of records with page size of 500 records displayed and if you have implemented default sorting and paging on a datagrid then it is not going to help. What according to you can you do to improve performance for paging and sorting.
  2. How to implement callback (ICallbackHandler interface)
  3. Have you used webservice? What types can be used in webmethod parameters, if you wish to interface the webservice with applications written in other languages like java etc. (Note: Whenever you find answer for this, let me also know)
  4. How to call webservice from javascript.
  5. SQL Server: Only one question was asked. What is Common Table Expression

Round 2:
This round was taken by VP. Following questions were asked:

  1. Why did you get only __ % in your final year?
  2. What are collections in general? What type of collections have you used?
  3. If you have an ebook and you wish to know the count of each unique words appearing in the ebook, tell me the code you will write in .NET?
  4. What are your aspirations?

Round 3:
This round was taken by onsite coordinator. Typically people in UK takes this interview. For some it is pure techincal (but comparatively easier then what Indians ask), for me it was more from the point of view of, can you manage a project on your own.
  1. Max team size you have worked with.
  2. Do you wish not to work on support based applications
  3. How do you work on applications in maintenance phase. Typically what methodology you follow for development.
  4. How do you keep your clients updated about the progress of the work. How do you take care of client communication.
  5. What different RDBMS have you worked with?
  6. Difference you found working on SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.
  7. Difference you found working on SQL Server and Sybase
  8. Do you like to explore on newer technologies.
  9. Challenging situations encountered and approach used to handle it.

Round 4: (tiebreaker round. May not happen with everyone)

  1. Which is the basemost type in .NET from which all other types derive? Ans: Object
  2. Can you name the members of this base type?
  3. Questions on few of these members.
  4. What is reference type and value type with respect to stack and heap datastructure usage in case of both? (Little tricky. I fumbled.)
  5. When do you pass reference type by reference?
  6. LINQ question (Simple one in my case). Given a scenario, write a LINQ query for it?
  7. What are iterators?
  8. Have you heard of extension methods? What are they?
  9. Write an extension method for one of the scenario?
  10. Where you save session data in case of out of process?
  11. How is data saved? (Serialized)
  12. Which type of serialization is used? (Binary serialization)
  13. What are webservices?
  14. Have you worked on patterns? (Fortunately only this much was asked in case of patterns but I will suggest you to understand MVP and MVC atleast.)
  15. Difference between ref and out?
  16. Can you assign some value to an out parameter? (I dont know the answer for this. If you find out. Let me also know.)
  17. What are anonymous methods?
  18. What are anonymous types?
  19. What is lamda expression?

Learning Mate Mumbai Interview Questions :

  • How MVC has been implemented in your project.
  • How to call CS function with JS.
  • Explain your project architechure.
  • What challenges have you faced in the project.
  • How to make different user controls interact with eachother with JS. e.g.: button on one UC populates a grid in another.

Synechron Interview Questions :

  1. What are the different methods exposed by object class?
  2. Which of them are virtual and why?
  3. Which method we can override?
  4. what are value types and reference types?
  5. when you write object obj = new obj() how the object are allocated?
  6. why value types are not allocated on heap?
  7. what are ref and out parameter?
  8. what are generics?
  9. can i call dispose in finalize?
  10. pseudocode for stack impl using generics?
  11. what are delegate and events?

intetface i1
interface i2
class A: i1,i2

                how to call interface i1 and i2 methods

  • what are extension mehods?
  • How extentions methods differ from inheritance?
  • what is garbage collection?
  • what are the genrations of GC?
  • How do we clear the unmaaged menory?(frechable queue)
  • what is singleton pattern? how do we do lazy instantiation on singleton
  • wats diff betn interface and abstract class?
  • wat are anonymous method?
  • whats diff bet skip and take in linq?
  • waht is concept of deffered execution in linq?
  • how to implement asyn delegate in the code and how to access the return value?
  • can abstract class inherit a interface?
  • what is application domain how it differes from process?
  • What is abc of wcf
  • what are diffrerent type of contract?
  • which security did u use in you proj?
  • for intranet application which security will you use?
  • what is throttling in wcf?
  • diffrence bet message and  tranport sec in wcf?
  • what is diff state mgm tech in asp.net?
  • which of them is most reliable?
  • Page life cycle?
  • what are diff typ of trigger?
  • wat are diff type of index?
  • what are type of func?
  • can i use insert and updte in fun?
  • Different type of joins
  • @@error
  • Transation in SQL
  • How do u create a procrdures in SQL
  • Types of stored proc?

Nomura Telephonic Interview questions :

About the project ... internal working ... mainly about the architecture


  1. How has .Net evolved and what was the need for .Net
  2. Whats the different between .Net 1.1, 2.0 and 3.5
  3. Whats is the use of CLR CTS CLS (with examples for CTS and CLS), why is CTS, CLS so important to .Net
  4. Whats the use of MSIL
  5. Where can Interfaces be used (In what situation should you use Interfaces)
  6. Tell me the most exciting problem that you have solved yourself and how

Morgan Stanley - Mumbai screening (Telephonic) interview questions

  1. can static methods be overridden ?
  2. can we have private method in interface ..
  3. what is the Base of aspx...
  4. can we use Function in stored proc
  5. can we have multiple select in sp
  6. can we have multiple select in func
  7. can we use functions in where clause of an sp 
  8. File name extensions for various file types in ASP.Net (e.g. : .aspx, asmx, ...)



  1. How the session works in asp.net ...
  2. How does reflection work ...
  3. Why wcf is used ...
  4. Order of events : uc>page>master
  5. diff in init and preinit ...
  6. How to fill a datagrid from a usercontrol ...
  7. Assembly versioning and signing diff.
  8. cookie sharing for multiple sites.
  9. Example of impersonation in web. What happens in case of winforms 
  10. SQL : select fifth highest sal
  11. Whats the diff between framework and Runtime (in terms of version) ...


 ASP.Net interview questions:

  1. Definition of encapsulation, inheritance and other OOPS concepts.
  2. Difference between HTML and webserver control.
  3. Difference between BRS and SRS.
  4. What are different methods exposed by DataAdapter.
  5. Difference between connected and disconnected architecture.
  6. What are different controls in asp.net
  7. Have you used NUnit.
  8. Have you used TFS, VSS.
  9. Write a class for Dataprovider.
  10. What is clustered and nonclusterd index which column is preferred for non clusterindex?
  11. What if I make the dropdown view state false ?
  12. What are the different state management techniques?



Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) questions:

1. Difference between web services and WCF?
2. Components of WCF?
3. What is End Point?
4. WCF Hosting types?
5. How many protocols can be used to access WCF?
6. What is WCF Binding?
7. What is WCF contract?
8. What are the transfer modes available?

Oops questions:

1. Features of Oops?
2. What do you understand by polymorphism and message passing?
3. Difference between overloading and overwriting?

C#.net questions

1. What is the use of private constructor and why to make constructor as private?
2. How to erase unmanaged code objects from memory?
3. What is the use of finalize() method?
4. Why to use GC.Collect() method?
5. How many catch blocks can be created after try block?
6. Can we put try without catch?
7. What is delegate?
8. What are anonymous methods?
9. What will happen if I call 5 times a single anonymous method?
10. What is shared classes?

ASP.net questions

1. What is impersonation?
2. How many securities provided by asp.net?
3. What is assembly?
4. Difference between assembly and namespaces?
5. What is strong name?
6. What do you meant by late binding?

Sql Server

1. Tell me types of logs generated by sql server?
2. How to perform exception handling in sql server?
3. If I had a before update trigger and I am updating trigger and table in same time what will happen?
4. Single line statement for copy the structure of table to another table?